
“Be enchanted as we travel back in time Each image has their own story behind”

We will bring you to the other dimension of time and history. Where you will witness the beauty of ancient Chinese women who carry the torch of Chinese culture and heritage of their ancestors.

Chinese Opera is a collection of 10,000 delicately designed and randomly generated NFTs on the Ethereum Blockchain. Each NFT has historic traits that make each one special.

One of the most important heritages the world enjoys now from the Chinese nation is their unparalleled art style. Arts that are developed and nurtured by tales and important events about ministers, emperors, successive dynasties, and the undeniable beautiful women from ancient times.

Their memoirs are living on evidently and never die from the memories of the Chinese community. The whole world is a living witness that these stories are preserved in their culture and daily lifestyle. Ancient events remain because each story is engulfed in the clothes they wore, the streets they walked on, the architecture they built, the songs they sang, and the music they gracefully danced.

That’s why one of the most important cultures that have been acclaimed all over the globe is the Chinese Opera. Where the artists are expressing their emotions and talents to tell their stories. To make their audience celebrate with stories of success and victory; mourn about the stories of grief and downfalls; fall in love with romances, and be excited with the story of enemies’ wiles and the nobility of their heroes in battles.

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